Fossil fuel rules catch Western towns between old economies and new green goals

An after school mountain biking club in Farmington, a town that's trying to diversify away from just oil and gas. Kirk Siegler/NPR It's late aftern...

October 6, 2023
7:02 AM

An after school mountain biking club in Farmington, a town that's trying to diversify away from just oil and gas. Kirk Siegler/NPR It's late afternoon in Farmington, and the sun is casting an orange glow on sandstone cliffs where new mountain bike trails have been carved into the powdery dirt beneath. A group of middle school girls are learning trail etiquette and practicing climbing hairpin turns. "Alright girls, we'll climb up," instructs Amy Conley, a coach with the local non profit Farmington Area Single Track, or FAST.

Kirk Siegler